Written by Lauren Theobald on November 25, 2015

Holiday Home TipsTis the season for entertaining. Between shopping, meal planning, and tree decorating, preparing your home for welcoming guests may seem overwhelming. To transform your room and maximize the space you have, it's important to keep a few simple points in mind to make the most of the holidays.

Make Room for What's Important

When holiday decorations come out, it's easy to overcrowd a room with added decor. The best way to minimize clutter is to free up precious shelf space, while prioritizing displays that add to the function of your home. A simple and easy way to free up shelf, floor, or mantle space is to mount your flat screen TV to an accent wall or focal point in the room. This keeps your television as the center of your entertainment for guests, while opening space for more meaningful objects.

Get Personal

Place a family picture up on the mantle, or add to the aura of the room with scented candles, a poinsettia, or your collection of Christmas carols. Rearrange the furniture a bit and you'll make plenty of room for that oversized Christmas tree, an extra present or two, and most importantly, your family and friends.

Spruce Up Your Space

Though simplifying is important, remember that this is a great time to get creative. Identify the focal point of the room, and then add your own design taste to the holiday theme. For example, a mounted TV can be the centerpiece of your living room or part of a collection of wall art. Putting it in unused space such as a corner, above the fireplace, or tilted along the main wall will maximize the space available to play music and relax by the fireplace, or even settle down with a classic holiday movie. Add a few unique pictures or ornaments to your free shelf and your guests -- family and friends alike -- are sure to feel at home. 

Get Everyone Together

Now that you've added some personal touches and holiday decorations, you can make use of your bright holiday gathering area. With a holiday party underway, you can enjoy your beautiful space while your guests relax with comfort and entertainment, all in the same great room. With your personal accents and festive decor, your redesigned holiday space transforms into a home for everyone.

Topics: Design